
June 12, 2009

Avala Tower near Belgrade almost finished!

Recently a friend told me that he can see the Avala Tower from his 7th floor apartment in Vidikovac and that it looks almost finished. So I went to the beobuild site and downloaded the most interesting pictures to share here and to show how the works are going on.

It's planned to open the tower to the public on the end of July 2009. Works started in the beginning of 2007, so it would just 2 and a half year construction time.

(The original tower took about 4 years).

Here an older post I wrote about the tower where you find basic informations.


  1. ...послије свега што нам се догодило, Торањ на Авали је изузетно важна грађевина: Споменик Неправди са Запада, наш Торањ ПРКОСА.

  2. I agree with ex-il@miro "Avala tower is an important and unique building-site, that serves as monument for a big mistake the Western has made!"

  3. Radujemo se novom tornju! Kako je bilo tuzno gledati Avalu bez tog prepoznatljivog simbola Beograda i Srbije!

  4. Avala je lepo mesto, vidio sam novi toranj u maj..

  5. It is now listed as 100% finished and has some exclusive pictures of the interior and views.

  6. Thanks anonymous!
    I saw the pictures....AMAZING!
