
November 30, 2009

Dom Omladine in Belgrade

Dom Omladine (the Youth Center) is a modern building costructed between 1961 and 1964, designed by Momcilo Belobrk (1905-1980) and some other architects in team.

Belobrk graduated from the department of Architecture at the Technical Faculty in Belgrade in 1930 and became member of GAMM (Group of Architects of the Modern Movement) in 1932. After 3 years of employement in the design and construction firm of Djura Borosic he started his own practice in 1933. Through the outbreak of WW II he realized some 40 residential buildings (including houses and villas). In the postwar period he specialized in the architecture of performing art buildings. In 1943 he started his academic career at the school for Applied Arts (the Academy) where he stayed until he retired in 1972.

So Dom Omladine was one of Belobrk's late works an he worked in team with Zoran Tasic.

This facade is one of the many examples in Belgrade, how sleek modernist fronts get a bit of  an entertaining diversion when fancoil air-conditioners are added on the outside of the building. Without planning the facade gets a decoration (compare with the old black and white picture!).

Dusan Dzamonja is the author of the relief at the main entrance. It's called "The sun" and was made in 1967. (

Dom omladine is a center that promotes programs for youth in the sphere of contemporary art and culture. In its range of activities, it covers all art disciplines and forms: from visual arts and new media, to film, theatre and  music.
The Youth Center was founded in 1964, as an alternative cultural center. It was set up by the people who shared their belief in the importance of contemporary culture and arts. From the very beginning, it was conceived as a different source of urban energy, with the trend towards experiments, a tendency it has managed to maintain up to the present days. With a long history and a special place it has in the cultural life of Belgrade, it has been continuously offering various kinds of cultural, educational, and entertainment programs.

Close-up of the first floor with minimalistic modernist details ( this picture and title picture


  1. About Dzamonja: I'd visited Dusan Dzamonja's Mansion in Versar-Orsera Croatia.The place is pretty and there is a park with many Dzamonja's sculptures. The best time in day for a visit it's at the sunset when you can see from the park a wonderful sunset on the sea!It's an artist's mansion but it's not like Salvador Dali' Building in Figueras or Giacomo Balla's house in Rome,but it's nice.

  2. Thanks for the sugestion to visit at Versar-Orsera Mansion (if I'll happen to be in the area!).
    Haha, Dali's building with the eggs on the roof? It's fun...I like it more on the outside, the exhibition inside was never one of my favorites....but it has to do with Dali, I guess.
