
June 3, 2010

Hotel Srbija in Vrsac

Who follows my blog knows already that I love big hotel projects built during the time of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. And now I discovered one more jewel to share in this space: the Hotel Srbija in Vrsac.

Vrsac is anyway an interesting city that is worth a visit because of its picturesque old town, the beautiful view from the Vrsac tower and the splendid vineyards in the surrounding.
And in the center of the city stands this huge building made in concrete!

The generous main entrance (picture from the hotel's website)

Usually when I visited hotels like that they were really run down or even closed.War, NATO-bombings and a difficult economic situation made it impossible for some region to keep big hotels open and to suitably renovate them. here in Vrsac it's a little different: the city makes a big effort to keep it a tourist destination, in the "millenium center" big sport events take place (like Eurobasket i 2005) and the strong vine industry brings anyway some prosperity to the city.
So the Hotel Srbija keeps up with comfortable 85 rooms and 6 suites, conference rooms and representative halls.

I like how in buildings like that, concrete is used in a rather sculptural way, the building looks like an insect, a well designed composition.

Pictures taken by Nemanja Mitrovic

Hotel Website
Vsrac Touristic Website

Other fantastic Hotels from the SFRJ: 
Hotel Narcis in Strpce (Serbia, Kosovo and Metohija)
Hotel Palas in Mojkovac (Montenegro)
Hotel in Canj (Montenegro)
Hotel Centar in Igalo (Montenegro)
Hotel Petrus in Paracin (Serbia, Pomoravlje)


  1. Hi,this blog is interesting,many compliments

  2. Hotel Srbija holds 3-star ranking and it is located in urban neighborhood Šumice in Ustanička Street, next to the beautiful park of the same name. You will get to like peaceful and pleasant environment immediately.

    What makes the location even more attractive is nearby highway, which facilitates the arrival to the hotel and at the same time provides a good connection to Belgarde Fair, airport and Belgrade Arena.

  3. I love your pictures...I feel as if I'm getting to visit my Serbian (Lemic Family) heritage.

    Someday I hope to visit, until then I will enjoy visiting your Blog to see the country!

  4. Ok ja sam iz Srbije i napisacu komentar na srpskom jeziku, posto je inace rec o hotelima iz Srbije...a ovaj je jedan od lepsih u Vrscu..takodje ima jos dosta lepih hotela u Srbiji, ali su oni uglavnom po vecim mestima...

  5. A very good hotel.There is natural beauty which attracts everyone.Good Post.

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  7. Interijer je jako lep, cesto putujem i nadam se da cu imati prilike posetiti Vrsac
    Hotel Subotica
