
April 25, 2009

VMA Building in Belgrade (reload)

Some time ago I already made a post about that amazing building, the military medical academy designed by architects Josip Osojnik and Slobodan Nikolic in 1973.

In my post i had a couple of pictures i made myself, but because it's not alowed to make pictures it was difficult to show a lot.

But now i came across these wonderful pictures from the YU-Built site, so this pictures and the information on the original post give a nice view on of the building!

here the tecnical information from the Yu-Build site:
Authors: Joze Osojnik, BSc (arch.) and Slobodan Nikolic, BSc (arch.)
Designers: Joze Osojnik, BSc (arch.) and Slobodan Nikolic, BSc (arch.)
Structure Designers: Cedomir Cvetkovic, BSc (civil eng.) and Nikola Ginic, BSc (civil eng.)
Installation Designers: Radomir Lalic, BSc (electr.) and Mitar Petrovic, BSc (mech. eng.)
Designed by: "Masinoprojekt", "Osnova" and "Prednapregnuti beton"
Employer: Yugoslav Army
Contractors: GP "Ratko Mitrovic", "Jodran", "Unioninvest", "Sipad", "Jugodrvo", "Janko Lisjak", "Montaza", "Svetlost", "Javor"


  1. il vma !!
    l'ospedale dove è stato operato dejo !!
    l'unico funzionante in serbia e lo vogliono vendere agli americani..
    politici di.....

  2. visto che è una struttura militare non credo proprio che lo vendano a gli americani...chi te l'ha detto?

  3. VMA photos are very nice. What a shame that majority of the beds in the hospital are reserved for the families of top military people (just in case they get sick)instead for those who really need them.There is an old saying: you can take man out of the village, but you cannot take village out of the man. Its time to to wake up and help your sick and offer them proper care and medication. Corruption at its best. Well done Srbija! As I said, photos are very nice, shame the hospital and medical care are only for the few!

  4. I read all comments, and I have no comments...
    It is easy to talk like that but you did nothing to prevent that village in man" because ...we have so many migration because of NATO BOMBING!!!
    Who do not live in Serbia have no right to comment!
