
May 3, 2009

Museum of Aviation in Belgrade

Picture by Vlado Marinkovic

One of the really astonishing building, and maybe the first building you see when you arrive at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport (here my post about the airport) is the Museum of Aviation.
I was fascinated by that building since the first time I discovered it and made pictures almost every time I arrived in Belgrade by plane (in fact some of the pictures I took are in my top 5 in Begrade list here).

This mushroom shaped location was designed by bosnian (with slovenian roots) architect Ivan Straus and opened in 1989. He studied in Zagreb (Croatia) and he realized mostly projects in Sarajevo (Bosnia & Herzegovina) where he was also employed in its architecture faculty.

A nicely made file about the museum building with pictures can be dowmnladed here (in serbian).

These pictures from opening time show how it looked without the big advertisement banner around the building...and don't ask me how they solved the "too much sunlight" problem....

From the building site

The museum from inside
I'm more interested in the building that in the planes, for more informations about the exhibited planes, the museum has a very informative site with the list and description of the machines and also with lots of nice pictures (where i got these last 3 pictures). Visit the site here.

The museum is right in front of the airport, if you wanna reach it by bus from old town, take bus 72 from "zeleni venac" station.


  1. A šta još nemate tako moderno u arhitekturi i gradnji.
    Pozdrav iz Republike Srpske.

  2. this bilding whit its shape reminds me about two italians places.former Lingotto Fiat factory in Turin,in the roof renzo Piano designed a big "ball"made by glass. It's the same.then in Milan the new Fair Trade designed by m.Fuksas between the pavillion there are some buildings with this cylindrical forms.I think that, in some areas of life former Yugoslavia was more forward than my country!

  3. This building is really incredible, it was ahead of its time in many ways! And even today it looks still "modern". The Lingotto extention and the Milano fair are similar though, didn't even think about it! Thanks!
