
May 20, 2010

3 Villas of Dusan Babic Today

Last summer I made a post about the modernist architect Dusan Babic and showed some of his interesting projects. Now i run into some pictures at skyscrapercity of pictures of the actual villas.

The Villa of Karl Reich (1930-1931)
This is how it looked in the plans:

Now it looks like this (picture from francuz 4556 at skyscrapercity):

The villa is at Ulica Sanje Zivanovica number 2 in Belgrade

Villa Protic (1930-1931)

Address: Ulica Zanke Stokic number 5 in Belgrade

And here some apictures from these days (picture from francuz 4556 at skyscrapercity)

As I mentioned in my earlier post, it's rather difficult to find information about Dusan Babic and his projects. And thanks to mmilovan at skyscrapercity I found one more villa that Babic built: Dr. Milutin Ivkovic's Villa from 1937. Here some pictures from the time it was built:

Dusan Babic (1986 -1948) was one of the 4 founders of the group of "Architect of the Modern Movement in Belgrade"(together with Jan Dubovy,, Milan Zlokovic and Branislav Kojic) he was a Serb from Banja Luka and graduated at the Technische Hochschule in Vienna in 1923 and moved to belgarde in 1928. At the time of the group founding Babic was employed in the Department of Architecture in the Ministry of Construction. 
He made also a church in Doboj (couldn't find out anything about it).
More about Babic here in my earlier post.


  1. I absolutely love your blog! It is fantastic!

  2. That is not an ordinary villa. I haven't found anything like that before. It is one of the best villas I ever saw. I wonder who own that beautiful villa.

  3. I agree this ain't no regular villa.. but the design looks promising.

  4. I'd have to admit this info is really great. Thanks for the share. Looking forward to hear more from you soon.

  5. Just want to see it personally, It was interesting for me.

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  6. correct his birth date!

  7. Vilu Protić na žalost ruše ovih dana...kompletno raščišćavaju plac na kome se ona nalazi a pošto u vili trenutno borave radnici koji rade na gradilištu,ona je do pola srušena dok je na kraju ne sravne sa zemljom...sve to prilično varvarski izgleda,uspela sam i da fotografišem trenutno stanje a znamo da će na tom mestu izniknuti jedna od onih užasnih građevina novopečene *elite*.Takve vile na žalost koje spadaju u rang nacionalnog blaga,odavno niko ne štiti i one su prepuštene ili zubu vremena ili nekim novim,moćnim rušiteljima...
    I ja pratim arhitekturu ovog vremena i takođe sam o Babiću pronašla šturo isto što i Vi pa ako dođete do nekih novih podataka volela bih to da pročitam.

  8. Very nice blog. I really like your post about this 3 villas.

    Keep up the great work!
