
May 8, 2010

The Krusevo Makedonium

Not so long ago I made a post about some fantastic buildings in Skopje, unfortunately I still didn't visit Macedonia yet, but I discovered another exiting building that is worth mentioning here and I'll plan to visit: the Makedonium or Ilinden-Memorial in Krusevo. (Picture from

This museum and memorial is the work of the famous sculptor Jordan Grabulovski and his spouse Iskra. Its construction started in 1972 and the monument was formally opened on Ilinden (St. Eljah's day) two years later. The stain glass works are made by famous painter Borko Lazeski, and the ceramics works iare by Petar Mazev.
(picture by Jarko on Panoramio)

The monument contains the tomb of Nikola Karaev, who was made president of the Republic of Krusevo in 1903 after the Ilinden uprising against the Ottomans.
The artistic and aesthetic expression of the monument complex, which covers 16 hectares, starts with broken chains, continues with a crypt and a colorful mosaic of ceramic material, ending with a building placed 1'320 m above sea level.

The spot offers a wonderful view of the town of Krusevo, Pelagonija, and Meckin Kamen.

The last two pictures are from Daniel Ursprung.

The touristic site of Krusevo (here)


  1. WOW...that is amazing & so different than anything I've ever seen before. Definitely some place exciting to visit! Thanks for the post & pictures...VERY INTERESTING!

  2. Thanks Lisa, Krusevo is not only interesting for this outstanding building, but it's also like a living museum, the highest city of Macedonia is full of well preserved ethno-style houses and beautiful churches!

  3. AnonymousMay 15, 2010

    yes Good works.
    thank you for the post its nice.
    Please visit .it can bring a great blessing for us and God will help you as you help these poor andd Needy.
    May godb be with you
    Pr. Byju John.

  4. Krusevo is excellent and its live museum.

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  6. I recently visited this wonderful place (Krusevo). I have no doubt that this place is blessed by God. I went only for the weekend and time was short. While there, I ate at a restaurant named Roma. The food was ethnic in nature and I found it excellent. The skiing was great exercise. I visited the Makedoniun. I think all Macedonians should make a pilgrimage, to this birthplace of FREEDOM. The artist captures a feeling in the structure that I found awe inspiring. As a foreigner I felt welcome. With only a few words in my Macedonian vocabulary, speaking was difficult ,but everyone was helpful and I felt welcome everywhere I went.

  7. krusevo, aromanian (tzintzar city), originaly from moscople.. Something very very rare.. Who wants to know google it.

  8. "krusevo, aromanian (tzintzar city), originaly from moscople.. Something very very rare.. Who wants to know google it."

    The city itself predates the arrival of the aromanians from Moscopole, whom are present even today as a minority in this little city.
