Todays post is dedicated to Biljana in Skopje, thanks to her I discovered the story of this great Serbian Poetess, a diplomatic and creative woman that despite the tragedies in her life believed in God's goodness and cared for her country.
Jefimija was born 1349 as Jelena and was a Serbian nun and known as the first Serbian poetess. She was the daughter of kesar Voichna in the time of Car Dusan. She married Jovan Ugljiesa the ruler of Serres that died on 26 September 1371 in the Battle of Maritsa. After she lived in Serres and later in Krusevac at the court of Car Lazar.After the defeat of the Serbs against the Ottomans in the battle of Kosovo, Jefimija joined the Zupanja Monastery with Carica Milica and later they joined monastery Ljubostina. There she spent her last days as abbess with the name Jevpraksija.
Her early life was a tragedy: she lost her family, her house, all her possession, income, land. Later as abbess she was involved in diplomatic affairs, like helping Princess Milica to get intercession for Stefan Lazarevic who refused to participate in the campagne in Bosnia of 1398. She also helped to get the body of Holy Petka Paraskeva back to Serbia, so her mortal remains were hold in the Sveta Petka Church in Belgrade until 1521 (now they're in Romania).
text and picture from serbian unity congress
Ljubostina Monastery
The church was painted just before the Kosovo battle. The original frescoes have survived only on pendetives, in the lower register of the drum and partially elsewhere. Especially interesting are the representations of the Old Testament prophets who vouch for the emergence of Christ.
Invited by princess Milica, painter Makarije of Zrze came to Ljubostinja in 1403, and carried out all the frescoes in the church.
picture from
He repainted the frescoes in the dome, only ten years old, and wrote out his name on the arch above the door between the narthex and the nave.
The family of Prince Lazar is portrayed on the west wall of the narthex: Lazar and Milica are on one side, and Despot Stefan and his brother Lord Vuk on the other. They are all depicted in their full arrays, with all the insignia of power and dignity.
Unfortunately, little has remained of once vast painted area of Ljubostinja. In the nave, only the Annunciation unit of the whole Festival Cycle has survived. The four best-preserved compositions represent Christ's miracles and sermons: the Healing of the weakened man and the Anointment in Bethlehem above the south-choir door. The three major features of the Ljubostinja frescoes are expressive figures, strong contrast of light and dark, and architectural motifs in the background.
Architecturally, the church, dedicated to the Dormition of the Holy Virgin, belongs to the Morava School. Its ground plan has the form of a trefoil with a dome resting of four free-standing pillars. It is extended westward into a rectangular narthex with a blind calotte.
The facade is embellished with rich muling that edge the doors and windows. A horizontal cordon cornice divides the walls into two zones: in the lower one, there are lancet and two-light windows, and the upper zone is ornamented with rose and wheel windows of unequal size with floral and geometrical patterns.
In the threshold stone of the doorway between the narthex and the nave, the name of the "Protomaster Borovic Rade", the famous master-builder, is chiseled.
Prince Lazar and Princess Milica The legends says that the monastery was built on a site where Princess Milica met Prince Lazar for the first time; and that had happened on the day of St Archdeacon Stefan to whom the earlier chapel on the same place had been dedicated. The construction of this foundation of Princess Milica and Prince Lazar started in 1388-89. After the battle of Kosovo, when Lazar was killed, Milica became a nun, as many widows of the Serbian soldiers did the same.
Eulogy for Knez Lazar
Her most meaningful work (and her first) is the eulogy for Knez Lazar (Похвала кнезу Лазару), a prayer in the shape of a poem. The text is preserved as a embroided blanked (the shroud for Lazar Herbeljanovic) that was made in the Ljubostina Monastery around 1402.
The text is embroided in gold on the shroud of Knez Lazar
and now in the Museum of the Orthodox Church in Belgrade.
The poem was meaningful not only for its beauty but also because it described the events around the Kosovo Battle and the historic period just after that. It made Jefimija one of the most famous Serbian Women.Here a Serbian transcription with English translation (from wikipedia):У красотама овога света васпитао си се од младости своје
о нови мучениче кнеже Лазаре,
и крепка рука Господња међу свом земаљском господом
крепког и славног показа те.
Господствовао си земљом отачаства ти
и у свим добротама узвеселио си уручене ти хришћане
и мужаственим срцем и жељом побожности
изашао си на змију
и непријатеља божанствених цркава,
расудивши да је неистрпљиво за срце твоје
да гледа хришћане отачаства ти
овладане Измаилћанима,
не би ли како ово постигао:
да оставиш пропадљиву висоту земаљског господства
и да се обагриш крвљу својом
и сјединиш са војницима небескога цара.
И тако две жеље постигао јеси:
и ЗМИЈУ убио јеси
и мучења венац примио јеси од Бога.
Сада не предај забораву вољена ти чеда
која си сирота оставио преласком ТВОЈИМ,
јер откако си ти у небеском весељу вечном,
многе скрби и болезни обузеше вољена ти чеда
и у многим скрбима живот проводе,
пошто су овладани Измаилћанима.
И свима нам је потребна помоћ твоја,
те се молимо моли се заједничком Владики
за вољена ти чеда
и за све који им с љубављу и вером служе.
Тугом су многом здружена вољена ти чеда,
јер они што једоше хлеб њихов подигоше на њих буну велику
и твоја добра у заборав ставише,
о мучениче.
Но ако сиНо ако си и прешао из живота овога,
скрби и болезни чеда својих знаш
и као мученик слободу имаш пред Господом,
преклони колена пред Владиком који те венчао,
моли да многолетни у добру живот
вољена ти чеда проводе богоугодно,
моли да православна вера хришћанска
неоскудно стоји у отачаству ти,
моли победитеља Бога
да победу подари вољеним ти чедима,
кнезу Стефану и Вуку,
за невидљиве и видљиве непријатеље,
јер ако помоћ примимо с Богом,
теби ћемо похвалу и благодарење дати.
Сабери збор својих сабеседника, светих мученика,
и са свима се помоли прославитељу ти Богу,
извести Георгија,
покрени Димитрија,
убеди Теодоре,
узми Меркурија и Прокопија
и четрдесет севастијских мученика не остави,
у чијем мучеништву војују чеда твоја вољена,
кнез Стефан и Вук,
моли да им се пода од Бога помоћ,
дођи, дакле, У помоћ нашу, ма где да си.
На моја мала приношења погледај
и у многа их урачунај,
јер теби не принесох похвалу како приличи,
већ колико је могуће маломе ми разуму,
па зато и мале награде чекам.
Но ниси тако ти, о мили мој господине и свети мучениче,
био малодаран у пропадљивом и маловечном,
колико више у непролазном и великом,
што примио јеси од Бога,
јер телесно страну мене у туђини
исхрањивао јеси изобилно,
те сада те молим обоје:
да ме исхраниш
и да утишаш буру љуту душе и тела мојега.
Јефимија усрдно приноси ово теби свети.
In the beautiful of this world you raised yourself from your youthO, New Martyr, Knez Lazar,And God's strong and glorious handPointed at you, among all the lords of the earth.You lorded over your fatherlandAnd with your goodness delightedThe Christians under your wing.And with a martyr's heart and a wish for blessingYou went against the dragonAnd against the enemies of the holy churches.Having deemed it unbearable for your heartTo see the Christians of your fatherlandBe conquered by the turksIn order to achieve theseTo leave the unstable height of earthly lordshipAnd to spill your bloodAnd to join the soldiers of the heavenly emperor.And so you achieved two wishes:You killed the dragonAnd received a martyr's wreath from God.And now do not forget your beloved childrenWhom you left orphaned by your transition.For since you achieved the bliss in the eternal celestial joyMany hardship and suffering fell upon your childrenAnd in many misfortunes they spend their lives,Because they are conquered by the TurksAnd they need your help.For this I beg you,Pray to the universal ruler for your children,And for all those who serve them with love and faith,for they are fettered with worries,your beloved childrenThose who ate their bread raised a conspiracy against themAnd forgot your goodness,o Martyr.But since you passed from this life,You know the worries and sufferings of your childrenAnd as a martyr you are free before God.Kneel before the Lord who wreathed you,Pray that your children live long livesIn happiness pleasing to God.Pray thar Orhodox Christian faith amply endures in your fatherlandAsk the victorious God to grant victoryto your beloved children, Knez Stephan and Vuk,Against visible and invisible enemies.For if we receive God's helpWe will give you praise and gratitudeCall for a meeting of your fellow martyrsAnd pray with them to the glorifying God,Warn GeorgeMove DemetriosPersuade both TheodoresTake Merkourios and ProkopiosAnd do not leave out the forty martyrs of SebaseiaIn whose suffering now fight your children,Knez Stephan and Vuk.Pray that the help from God be given them.Come then to our aid, wherever you are.Consider my small contributionand count it among many,For I did not grant you the praise you deserve,But only as far as my small mind allowed,And so I expect but small rewardsFor you were not selfish, My Lord and Martyr,In this decaying and short lasting world,But you are more generous in the everlasting and magnificentThat you received from God.For you fed me profuselyWhen I was foreign in a foreign landAnd now I beg you both:To feed meand to assuage the fierce storm in my soul and bodyJefimija humbly offers you this, O Holy One